The active brothers of Eta Lambda continue to represent the virtues of Sigma Chi and uphold the values of the Jordan Standard in their everyday lives. The first few months of the Fall 2014 semester have proven to be an exciting time for our chapter with a variety of inter- fraternal, academic, athletic, and social activities and events where the leadership and abilities of our brothers individually and as a whole have impacted the Virginia Tech community.
Executive Council 2014-2015
The Executive Council for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year was selected by the entire brotherhood based on their dedication, attributes and determination to make Eta Lambda the best chapter on campus and continue the prestigious tradition of Sigma Chi at Virginia Tech. The top five consist of:  Consul Dow Perkins from Charlottesville, VA (Delta Alpha, spring 2016), Pro Consul Neil Hartman from Ashburn, VA (Delta Beta, spring 2016), Annotator John Miller from Ashburn, VA (Delta Beta, spring 2016), Magister James Giltner from Ashburn, VA (Delta Gamma, spring 2016), and Quaestor Logan Ryder from Sykesville, MD (Delta Alpha, spring 2016). The entire Executive Council will strive for excellence out of themselves along with the rest of the brotherhood and will perform their duties admirably with the chapter’s best intentions in mind.
Fraternal Leaders Institute
This year the Fraternity & Sorority Life at Virginia Tech will once again be offering an Fraternal Leaders Institute Experience (FLI) at Smith Mountain Lake to be held three different weekends over the course of the entire year. The FLI experience is meant to increase students’ sense of belonging, cultivate student’s knowledge of being a positive social agent of change, create a sense of global citizenship, and to advance Fraternity & Sorority Life at Virginia Tech. Past participants include Neil Hartman, AJ Cagle, Matthew Hourigan, and Ryan Febles. In Pro Consul Neil Hartman’s words, “FLI gave me the ability to see the strengths and weaknesses across all of Virginia Tech’s Greek Life and work with student leaders so that we can strive for the ideal fraternity and sorority experience at Virginia Tech.” The brothers of Eta Lambda will continue to participate in this invaluable opportunity to enhance Virginia Tech’s Greek Life to even greater heights.
Delta Epsilon Pledge Class
Eta Lambda came out of rush with 18 exceptional young men as pledges. As their pledgeship progresses, we are excited to see how these young men grow into Sigma Chis as they learn more about the ritual and the importance of striving to live out the Jordan Standard everyday. |
Anchors Away!
Delta Gamma Sorority of Virginia Tech recently chose four Eta Lambda brothers as their affiliates, also known as “Anchormen”.
Out of the seven men chosen, four were Sigma Chis. Robbie Hecht (Delta Alpha, spring 2016), Robbie Martin (Delta Alpha, spring 2016), Andrew Baker (Delta Alpha, spring 2016) and James Giltner (Delta Gamma, spring 2016) now have the distinct pleasure of being affiliated with one of the top sororities on campus.
IFC Soccer Champions
Eta Lambda’s athletic prowess prevailed once again as Sigma Chi took home 1st place in the Inter-Fraternal Council soccer tournament this past Sunday. After defeating FIJI in the semifinals 2-1, Eta Lambda continued its dominance by besting PIKE 3-2 in the final to win the championship. The quest for the Hokie Grail continues with IFC football and basketball on the horizon.
Philanthropic Efforts
So far this semester our chapter has participated in three philanthropies and are currently partaking in two more. Eta Lambda placed 5th in Tridelta’s House of Pancakes philanthropy supporting Childrens Miracle Network, 4th in Gamma Phi Beta’s Crescent Classic for Building Strong Girls (with a win in their “Moonball” volleyball tournament, seen right) and placed 1st in Zeta Tau Alpha’s Crown Classic supporting the Susan G. Komen Cure for Breast Cancer. Overall, Eta Lambda has raised roughly $2300 for noble and worthy charities so far this semester.
In Hoc,
Mitchell Moss
Sigma Chi, Eta Lambda Chapter |