Winter Update

February 6, 2014
Dear Sigma Chi Alumni,

From roadtrips across the country to religious journeys to Israel, Eta Lambda had quite an interesting Christmas break. Now, we are currently underway with our semester as we continue recruitment and prepare for the upcoming events, pledges, philanthropies, brotherhood events and more.

Recruitment for Delta Delta Pledge Class

Eta Lambda is currently in the middle of recruitment for the new pledge class, Delta Delta. We have had one event thus far and we look forward to the next three.  All alumni are invited to attend closed rush which will be held Sunday, February 15.  Remember that the new pledges we recruit will carry on the legacy of our Chapter! If you know of any potential members that live the Jordan Standard, please email one of our rush chairs, Ian Trampe (, Robert Wineland(, or Robbie Martin(

New Scholarship Awards

Eta Lambda has decided to try new scholarship award techniques.  This year under the direction of scholarship chair, Sam Schirmer, we paired up the brothers with the lowest gpa and the highest gpa and created a team. The team with the highest overall gpa was awarded $500 down to $250.  We also awarded $250 to the brother with highest gpa in a specific college. In order to receive any award, both partners had to attend 75% of chapter meetings.  This new attendance policy has greatly increased our numbers at chapters.  Our scholarship program has helped our overall average increase to a 3.14, an all time high for Eta Lamdba.  View this document to see which brothers received the awards. Scholarship Awards.

Andrew Bailey Spencer  

Andrew Spencer, son of Dr. Edward Spencer, passed away in early January.  There was a strong support from the Eta Lambda chapter at the memorial service and we will all do our best to keep supporting Doc in anyway that he needs.  Keep Doc in your thoughts and prayers as times like are when the strong arms around a brother of Sigma Chi must be shown.  Click the link below for the story of Andrew Spencer’s incredible life. Roanoke Times.

RioGrande RoadWarriors
Over break, five brothers, Lee Scott, Robert Wineland, Marcus Tedesco, Ryan Gram and Sam Mattern adventured across the country from Blacksburg to SanFrancisco and back traveling over 9000 miles, visiting 18 different states and 8 national parks, all while sleeping in gas station parking lots and eating Ramen Noodles. Consul Ryan Gram, described the trip as, “surreal ” and ” one of the greatest experiences of my life.”
One of the best parts of Sigma Chi Fraternity is lifelong friends that one can gain from simple experiences.

Sigma Chi Alumni LinkedIn

Please join if you haven’t already! Although the group has not been very active over the past few years, our undergraduate chapter is hoping it can become a common meeting ground for building relationships and career opportunities. Our brothers continually are landing excellent jobs and establishing their network base – and we see this as another tool to continue Eta Lambda’s successes. We are trying to get in as many Sigs as possible so please invite your brothers from your years at Tech and before we know it, the group will grow substantially in size!

We are doing our best to increase the relationships with our Alumni and we greatly appreciate any feedback, comments, or general ideas to increase the active alumni activity.  Please send any thoughts our way!
In Hoc,
Robert H. Wineland

Tribune and Rush Chair
Sigma Chi, Eta Lambda Chapter